Students: 6th - 12th Grade

Our mission is to come alongside parents to help their students love God, love people, and push back darkness. We gather each week to worship, learn from the Scriptures, hear from the Spirit, and spend time together in community. If you are a parent of a mid-high or high school student we’d love to connect with you.

Email Caleb Savage with any questions. 

At Frontline South we invite all 6th - 12th graders to join us on Wednesday nights. In addition to Wednesdays, we have camp each summer, fall and spring retreats, and regular hangouts that help us practice real community and connection with one another.

For current meeting times and locations, please reach out to South's youth director, Caleb Savage at

Recommended Parent Resources

The Gospel-Centered Life for teens - Bob Thune

Age of Opportunity - Paul David Tripp

12 ways your phone is changing you - Tony Reinke